Monday, February 2, 2009


Hye meet again...
I have a reunion last weekend. This gathering is for current and x-staff TM.. took place at TM Resort, Tanjung Bungah.

there's a lot more photo to be post and shared but due to slow internet connection i only can post one 1st...

so i will update ..tq

And for Bob this is maybe one of his best birthday celebration. Just look at the photo below..hahaha

And for loving couple and married couple and also for those "in progress" they can spent this time together just like honeymoon and to make their relationship more blossom and closer. I hope they all live happily ever after.

errr...except bob and zam..hahahah..jgn marah ek!

We have fun there. We played a lot of game such as ' perah ayaq dalam botoi', 'ikat kaki sambil bawak belon dan acara wajib sukaneka 'ambik cokelat dalam tepung'....

and the main activity actually is we have a very difficult time to light up the fire...after about 15 minutes.....the fire is ready and

so the chicken, hotdog, burger and eventually beef burger has turned to meat ball as the meat is 'lembik' and the result ........


then kami ada bagi - bagi hadiah kepada pemenang sukan dan kepada setiap staff yg datang reunion....sebagai tanda ingat- ingatan..

after an exhausted nite, we comeback at the resort and have a rest............
everybody was so tired....but we have a great time together...

so that's all that i can share with you...there a lot more to share but it's too long...................
i hope this is only a beginning....

until we meet again in next post...and sorry kalau english broken ka apa ka....and kepada yg membaca komen la ....ehehe
